Services | AI & Espresso Link to heading

→ Discussion and guidance on amplifying a new or existing business with AI

If you are pondering a new AI-powered business idea or how to amplify an existing business with AI, I’m up to discuss that with you over a caffeinated beverage. I can help you validate your thinking, understand what’s feasible, and chart possible next steps.

Why me:

I’m keenly interested in how we can use AI for the good of humanity. I have hands-on experience with a broad variety of AI-powered products and business models, having worked at MaRS Discovery helping many startup founders grow their companies. I’m applying my MaRS learnings plus extensive software product experience at Microsoft and startups to building new products and businesses with AI.

My Current Focus: Large Language Models (GPT and peers) and their applications to business problems


  1. Book time with me for AI & Espresso
  2. We connect to discuss the concept / opportunity. Online is OK, in real life is better!
  3. I write up and share discussion notes with recommendations on next steps